Thursday, May 23, 2013

Jades Day a Month ago.

This post was mostly written a few days ago but the rest was finished today. I don't doubt that you will be able to figure out, approximately, where the transition happens.

This year for the Beans birthday we kept it simple. Paul had finished his last day of school only the Friday before her Sunday birthday and was not feeling up to having a whole crew of People cramped into our small kitchen. And as the weather outside was not conducive to what we did last year we went with a small grouping of just us four.

This year Suzie chose Jades icing color as Jade is still to young to really have her own opinion. She asked for dark purple (Suzie that is).

We kind of ended up with a muddy blue instead. No worries, she put on the sprinkles and the thing was a beaut.

And it's all ready for the candles and a little song.

Admiring the cake together. These two are becoming something great in the world of sisterhood.

Awaiting the cakes arrival.

And here are a few cake eating pics...

...Cause, why not. I have not a lot to say as I am not feeling that well as I write this and can only really think about the bath I have planned for myself.

I hope your week has been great and that your weekend plans are full (or empty, depending on what you would like to see). I know for me I just hope that I can say that I am healthy and that I can get back to doing stuff other than sitting around.

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