Saturday, September 1, 2012

Another Sunday past

A few weeks past I showed you a bit of our time at the farm. I showed you only a small portion of the day. There was more, there was this.

Go-karts can not only be ridden you must also check out the running parts and be sure it is "tweaked" to the best of your abilities.

And everyone must get involved.

Even the baby wants in on it all.

Then there is just the good old hanging out with the family. While drinking coffee of course.

These three are the girls in the family, minus Jade.

Back to tweaking.

A salamander found and brought to the girls attention

Suzie was intrueged. Jordyn was happy "driving" the go-kart.

I love what these hands are saying. They speak volumes. Interest and the joy of sharing.

It was a birthday party for four of the "men" in Paul's family.

Men, as in this one was having his first birthday ever. 

It was a relaxed day spent tinkering on the go-kart and

Sitting around the fire, while drinking coffee.

* oooh I am running late on packing now so I guess this is it. A few pictures to leave you with and I hope you all have a great weekend.

One last thing about these last pictures.

Suzie was laying on my back while I was laying on my stomach and she was watching the sparks fly up from the fire. As she lay there she was ooh-ing and aww-ing over the beauty of them.

As she jumped up I heard her say under her breath "Oh God, I love you sooo much"

Happy weekend all. And may the sparks fly up that bring the wonder of God near to your heart.

1 comment:

  1. I love that the go kart is registered in the state of Minnesota. Love the salamander and wish my girls were there to play with it too. Also love the adorable girl with some Wendy expressions, loving her God and all the beautiful nature around us. Drinking in the moment.


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