Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Inspired #14 Camping trip part two

Last week I showed you the adult side of camping. All things that would and could be inspiring to the older members of the family. Now let me take you to the child's side of such a trip. There are two sides to a kids experience.

First is what they remember and love

1: A toy trailer from days of old. My girls may not remember these but I bet some of you out there do and it brings you right back to being a kid again.
2: Ring toss is a game for any kid at any age. Even a 60 year old kid gets much enjoyment from something like this
3: And this little camper with a boat trailer is great for recreating the times you enjoyed with the family
4: What little person would not take great pleasure in having a lantern of their very own. Too cute!!
5: And now they can camp in their own back yard with no worries of touching the fire.
6: Okay this one is for Mom and Dad. It's all good kids rain or shine we camp on.
7: And I know with all certainty that Suzie would get a kick out of this whistle
8: Another camping scene to recreate those fond memories.

Okay, I admit I want these toys for myself. I think they all look like way too much fun.

Second, what you want to show them or give them

1: Mmm! Pie irons. Loved these things as a kid, love them still.
2: A little shirt to wear for the days after. If your kids are anything like mine you will skip white on a camping trip.
3: GAh!! I love this sleeping bunny and turtle. I want one hanging in my girls bed room
4: A camping guide of old. Teach them the ways
5: This simple wooden seat would be great to take just about anywhere. Simple collapse would have it fit in most any corner of the packing.
6: And this thing. OH MY WORD!! I want one for my girls. I want one for me. I love the colors and the idea of an outdoor hanging cradle. YIKES!!
7: Ha ha ha. I may not have boys and my kids may be young but I grew up with boys and I get it. I love this old photo.
8: Some fun fabric for a fun quilt or something. Maybe a shirt? Oooh or how about a jumper? dress? You get the idea.

So there you have it. Just a taste of what is out there. I still have not touched on all the things that we can do to bring the camping experience to life for the little ones. But I did manage to put together a few shirts to give to my girls for this trip. I am planning to give them to them the first day we are there as something to remember the trip by when they get home. Of course Jade is a bit young I doubt she will connect the two but I know that this will be something that will stick with her older sister.

This ones for Suzie

And this ones for Jade.

This trip is coming up real soon now and I am getting really excited. Funny thing, It's a super short trip. We will only be gone from Thursday night to Sunday afternoon sometime. But that does not take away from the anticipation.

Hope you have something grand to look forward to this weekend.


  1. Angie! That hammock is exactly what I've been looking for! I've been trying to figure out a pattern to make one for over a year now. Mistakenly I was looking for a crochet pattern, I see now that fabric is better(and has been done). If I order one do you think you could help me make a pattern from it?

    1. Christie, there was one on my friends FB wall as well, more of a box. she got someone to make her one quite easily. I can email her for you and see.


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