Thursday, June 23, 2011

Friday Fun # 1

Friday fun will be a short post of something fun that happend in the week wether it be a small moment or an epic happening.

If you are here often you may have noticed that I have changed things from one way to another and then back again. I have been playing around a bit with back grounds looking for what I feel best enhances the photos. For me the pictures in this blog are some of the most important content. This Blog is, for the most part, to be a memory holder for me and my family and that is the most important part of what happens in this little bit of space on the world wide web.

I want something that I can look back on to see how the day to day passed by.

To have a place where my little ladies can watch their lives as they grew up.

To be able to look into their faces and see the good things in life, the little things that would be forgotten. A day of daisy chains (which I am terrible at making). She doesn't know that. She thinks I am the best daisy chain maker out there. One day she may know the truth but that is not today.

Today I can make the best daisy crown she has ever worn.

And I will tell you I cannot go through a bunch of daisies without a few in my own hair. Too much fun to pass it up. I tried to do some in Jades hair too but it didn't stick.

Enjoy every bit of this life. The simplest little moments that can be shared with the ones you love. Who can pass up the fun that is right out your back door.
Have a happy Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Just showed this to Mom and the girls. I admit to never have made daisy chains. Our daisy's are not blooming yet. Just had a short hail storm!


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