Saturday, October 16, 2010

Short but sweet.

The other day I realized this Little number would fit her now and I had to put her in it. Yeah she looked ready for Easter when it was actually thanks giving dinner we were off to but how can it be helped. This is the dress I wore to my Aunt Loretta's wedding when I was about this size.

There is a picture of me and my cousin playing in the dirt just as my little bumpkin was pron to do the minute we stepped outside.

I like this little girl. I love this look on her face. I love how soft she is in the night when sleeping, or half sleeping. I don't love that she fell out of bed last night. We have had the side down on the crib for over a month now, not once, till last night, has she fallen from it. We heard the crash and when Paul said it was her, I said "no way, she never falls from the bed". WRONG! So up we go and we are half way up the stairs before there is another sound out of her. I think she slept through it, sort of. When we got to her she was in the exact sleeping position she is most often in, bum in the air, arms tucked under her belly. Only difference was the fact that she was on the floor facing the bottom of the bed. She cried for a bit and I held her soft flopping body. Then all of a sudden she was ready to go back to bed. No more out of her the rest of the night.

I remember falling from the bed as a child. I am sure this will not be her last time. It is a right of passage into older childhood. I don't know many who haven't fallen from their bed sometime or other.

And now she is as happy as normal, I'm sure she doesn't even remember. Silly, sweet, girl.
Now we are off to Indiana's birthday party. Outside in the cool morning breeze, leaves have mostly all fallen. It will be chilly fun.

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