Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Well here it is, the long awaited season of you pick. You pick when you want and for how long you want. You also pick as much or little as you want. You pick whether it is a family affair or a trip out alone. Here is what we picked.

A family outing. Sweet Summer. Sweet strawberries. Sweet loves.

Sweet Suzie fell asleep in the car as we drove to the Grand Valley you pick. And this is when the wagon showed us that it was in our lives for more than just Suzie. It came along and carried our sweet sleeping Suzie all down the row of strawberries. Her little feet hanging out the end. Of course I didn't have the camera at that point. We took advantage of the calm to pick as many berries as we could. When She awoke she shared in our joy of the harvest.

"Ummy, Apple." "no sweet heart that is a strawberrie" "Strawbee"

A wagon full of good things.

I love the fact that the farm uses straw around the berry plants to hold back the weeds and hold in the moisture. Why wouldn't they? Are strawberries even aloud to be called that if they aren't surrounded by straw?

These berries were the largest yet. We have gone for three years in a row now and I believe this was the best year. Suzie has been to every picking, just in different forms. The first was in my belly, taking up my energy as best she could. Making it hard to bend over and pick. The second was carried on my back. Again taking energy and making it awkward.

This year she made it easy. She slept. She awoke happy. She got in on the fun. I adore the fact that she is a part of our lives. That this little person goes with us and lives life with us.

Sink full of clean strawberries.

The jam that turned into syrup. It is an ice-cream topper. Pancakes, Angel food cakes, Yogurt flavour. This may end up being one of the best mistakes yet.

These days become busier. I knew I would be busy with the harvest this year. I have decided to to take part in as much of the canning and freezing as I may. Little did I know that Suzie would become more active. I didn't realise she could get busier. I call her "handsy". I call her crazy. She doesn't care what I call her all she knows is that she wants a hand in everything I am doing.
She has learnt to find joy in hyper. In running back and forth from one nothing to the other. Her activity oriented life has done one thing. It has allowed for earlier bed times. I like having the evening to relax. Now I just need to learn to do just that. I'm off to practice that now.

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