Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Chill em all

This weekend has been good. It was filled with family from both sides. And new things to enjoy.

Suzie is a music addict. And I mean she is addicted to having music on. The first thing she will ask for in the morning is either food to eat or music on. Whichever it is that comes first the other is sure to follow. She is down for a nap right now and I can guarantee that one of the first things she will want when she comes down stairs it that we turn on the music. So Paul came up with a way that she can play music in her own room. And for us as a family if we can make it work for as cheap as free the better.

Here she is learning the ropes of her own cd player.

And there it is in all it's glory. Speakers that were given to me as a gift from my brother many years ago have finally found a place of use in this home. I have wanted them hooked up for years and now there they are in all their old timey glory.

The cd "player" is an external drive that Paul has had for some years now and the amp is something he had put together long ago for small uses such as this. The volume can never get louder than is reasonable and she can control it all on her own. A simple on and off toggle switch for the amp with one volume control. Start, stop and power buttons on the player. Done and done.

Next day was a visit with Ross and Nikki and their two kidlets.

Suzie and Jordynn had fun with a small wading pool with ice cold water running through it. They were actually cold to the touch by the end of it. But fun? Oh yes indeed.

If you step on the edges the water is shot up in all possible directions. Never know where that might be your face is not safe when that close to the pool.

Suzie checking out the water fountain drinking practices of her cousin.

Taking her turn.

It was entertainment for the whole family. Little brother on the ground there wanted to take part. Only held back by the confines of his six month old body.

warm up a bit in the sun and a towel and back to the pool again.

Jade found relaxation in her own fashion.

Visiting with family is always a great part of getting together.

And then there is this. Watching your most loved treasures being treasured by family and friends.

This is one beautiful woman. I love her as a sister.

Leland was happily exploring the edges of the picnic blanket when Suzie decided he might be thirsty.

Could be nice to have a personal feeder who sticks food in your face as you go on about the plans of your day. Or it could be frustrating when they decide it is time to stuff a bottle in your mouth when you weren't ready for it.

Turns out he didn't mind to much and Suzie never missed and hit him in the eye. Who knows they might start have people out there for higher for this job one day.

This is one sweet boy with a serious look at a camera.

Not sure what to think of that large lens in his face.

Working on his crawling skills.

After a swim in the pool it is time for a short trip around the yard in a wagon.

A yes and the hair cut that was desperately needed was also performed on this lovely day.
Thank you Nikki for a cut that is easy and cool for the summer. YAY!!

Love this little slobber monster.

This weekend has been full and there is still more to post but this seems to be far long enough already so hang in there and maybe there will be another one tomorrow or if all else gets done easily and quickly then maybe today. Hope you are having as much fun as you can. Enjoy every little bit of this life. There is plenty to look forward to.

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