Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Running in for a little post

The girls ask me daily for a little jaunt to the flower garden. It is rough these days as I am so busy trying to do all that is required of me in the months that are here. This time is too short and sweet to pass up and yet there is much to do.

There is a garden and yard to tend to and then the house is just keeping up. Laundry piles? yes we dress straight from them. Then when I am not filling my time here at home we are off for a couple of hours during the day to work on the project and again in the evening. This building is a two story hundred year old building and we are working on turning it into two apartments. The upper floor started out as one but had been torn apart for the water damage that had actually put it up for sale. The thought is to get it rented out and then head downstairs to start that one on the road from office space to living space. For now it is the upper floor that we are focusing hard on as we believe we can have it ready to be rented out by the time Paul goes back to session two of his electricians courses.

All that to say that we are busy, like crazy, but for a season. Once the upper floor is rented out we are going to take it a bit easier at least for a while. Re-coupe from the crazy that has been our days and take a little rest. But as for this summer? It will pas by to quickly and so we take the moments when we can. I'll drop in at the flower garden on the way home from our mid day session at the project or we'll stop in at the cousins.

As it is I feel we often appear as such.

Dashing into the frame of focus for but a moment and then rushing past and on to the next thing.

And so we took a moment.

To slow down and look closely at the hostas.

Lovely greens these leaves are made of.

Girls off to explore the outer edges of the garden.

Seriously, brush strokes? These look to be painted.

We were joined by an older cousin. My girl adores these girls even if she still (what more than half a year now) can't tell them apart and often will call a single one by the names of all three.

A bee

In take off mode.

"What's that mommy?" "pider? pider?" Yup and so it is.

And just as suddenly as you enter the frame you pass by and off to the next thing. Take a moment to focus in on the greens of those lovely hostas before you rush on to the next picture.

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